Do you recognise any of these problems?...
- Is a disproportionate amount of time being spent by your administration staff processing business card orders for your Directors, Sales Team, and other Personnel?
- Do you experience printer delays and inaccuracies?
- Do you wait longer than 5/7 working days for your business card orders to be delivered?
- Do you sometimes see interference with the corporate design and layout of the company's corporate image when ordered from another branch or individual?
- Have you experienced difficulties when you want a business card printed very urgently or in a foreign language?
If your answers is yes to any one... or perhaps all of these questions, then you really would benefit from talking to us... we have the right answer for your company.
Now there is a permanent solution
Order your business cards ONLINE... branded and linked to YOUR website!
Let us demonstrate a system to you that would...
- Cut up to 90% of administration time spent on processing card orders
- Wipe out delays and printer errors forever
- Turn around card orders in 7 days or less
- Give you total security over who orders, when they order and what they order , plus... give you total protection of your company's corporate image!
- Allow your staff to order business cards from anywhere in the world, set in almost any language of the world, despatched to any country in the world, all at the click of a button, all totally and securely controlled by the administrator of your choice.
Wouldn't that be of benefit to you?
Apart from a small set-up charge, you may even find you will be paying less for your business cards than you were before! That would give you twice the benefit... by a huge saving in administration time and a possible further saving in production cost.
ENQUIRIES: +44 (0)1933 442604 or click here to contact us
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